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Meliha Dairy Farm

Sharjah adopts a strategy of sustainable organic food production through systems that comply with global quality standards. The Sharjah Agricultural and Livestock Production Corporation “Ektifa” affiliated with the Department of Agriculture and Livestock, contributes to building the foundations of a healthy life for people and enhancing the food security system through the production of organic milk at the Meliha Dairy Farm. The farm is working at a rapid pace to complete the construction of the dairy factory, which will be ready in the first quarter of 2025. The production capacity in the first phase will be 75,000 litters of raw milk per day, with plans to expand production in line with the expansion plans of the Meliha  Dairy Farm. Meliha  milk and its derivatives will be available in the markets by July next year. The project’s production capacity will increase annually, reaching 61 million litters of raw milk per year by the end of 2028.
